Thursday, January 15, 2009

Asides - 20 Actors Meme

I realized that so far every list generated for the 20 actors meme includes all those I would normally select. So...what to do? I decided my list would show some love to many of those whose name was rarely, if ever, above the title. However, we have all seen them, and in my case, I remember them fondly as providing a certain something that defined their being cast and cast again and again. I have broken them into segments named: "Sidekicks and Comic Relief", "Lurking or Plotting", and "Tough Guys." Here we go.

Sidekicks and Comic Relief

Frank McHugh

Allen Jenkins

Franklin Pangborn

Eugene Palette

Eric Blore

Nigel Bruce

Mike Mazurki

Rags Ragland

Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams

El Brendel

Lurking or Plotting

Elisha Cook, Jr.

Dwight Frye

Henry Daniell

Lionel Atwill

George Zucco

Albert Dekker

Tough Guys

Charles McGraw

Lawrence Tierney

Sheldon Leonard

Barton MacLane

PS - knowledge of the meme came from the Self Styled Siren's site and traces back to the filmicability blog. Check those sites and other film blogs to see all the great lists.


Vanwall said...

Ok, this is now my favorite of the great lists - others are good or great, but this one has character and wit! You still left off Whit Bissell, tho, but that's my only quibble.

Stacia said...

I love all of these guys! Okay, I'm not familiar with Charles McGraw, but that's my own shortcoming. And a young Lawrence Tierney! Just look at him. So much hair.

Operator_99 said...

Vanwall, Thanks, and not only Whit, but many more that could make the list.

Stacia, does that mean you have not seen The Narrow Margin...drop everything and get on that train. It has my favorite noir lines between Charles and Marie Windsor.

Anonymous said...

I love Eric Blore! Totally underrated.

Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

Some of my favorites, I love your terrific list.

Operator_99 said...

Thanks Jacqueline, it was fun to put together, but like all lists, there where several (many!) others I could have added.

Pork4all said...

Franklin Pangborn!!! Loved him as the studio photographer trying to pose Spanky in an early Little Rascals short. Spanky kept hitting him on the nose....I still giggle thinking of it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, really clever list!!

Funny, I was thinking of doing one entirely for character actors after the actors & actresses lists too! They're so hard to find photos of, though! I love the one of Eric Blore :D